The crew has decided on a Fiji New Years. We've confirmed our accomodation and are booking our flights in the next few weeks. Cannot even explain how excited I am for it!!!!! It's basically our legit little crew, the realists - about 16 of us. A few of us were a little concerned that it will be the first New Years we'll be having without raging rails and badass benders - someone (no names mentioned) considered bum smuggling (fits of laughter), but come on girl, we can do this - I'm actually looking forward to spending some quality time (in full states of mind) with my friends that I miss so super bad. Will be a good chance to get plain old fucking drunk too. Hurrah for pool bars because we all know I'm a salt water pussy.
Goodshirt - Fiji Baby
Yep I'll just pretend it's Fiji baby
No pretending here Goodshirt! Fucking Bula!
that fihi photo is of the resort where me and sam stayed last year. buzzy.